Earth quake, Tsunami, South-Java, IndonesiaAbstract
Geoposition of Indonesia that the country was surrounded by Eurasian – Australian and
Pacific tectonic plate with its subduction zone (ring of fire) had experiencing very high frequency tectonic
earth quake and risk of tsunami wave. The need of reliable tectonic plate earth quake and risk of tsunami
spatial data base model was inevitable. The paper built numeric and spatial data base, analysis and develop
tsunami modeling for three sites of south Java (Serang – west of south Java, Bantul - central and
Banyuwangi - east of south Java) which were regarded as the most dense populated island. Phase one steps
were built spatial database of the tectonic plate subduction zone with variable of depth, distance and ocean
floor topography using ETOPO-2 USGS bathymetric data. Phase two steps including the development of
tectonic plate earth quake history data base with above 6 Richter scale for the past five years. Development
of numeric tsunami spatial model using MIKE-21 software (Evaluation License) with variable of tectonic
plate earth quake coordinate, magnitude of 8 Richter scale and depth. Followed with detail analysis of the
tsunami waves characters such as the height and travel time and direction towards coastal area, tsunami
wave oscillation, time and run-up height and distance in reaching the coastal area. Phase three steps
including development of spatial data base of contour Digital Elevation Model (SRTM-data), run-up model
and wave height in reaching the dense population area and detail village and sub-district boundary,
population, number of house and buildings, infrastructure and land use of the affected area and finally
followed by escape route scenario and site-selection for possible community escape site.