Muffler, Transmission Loss (TL), Acoustical Simulation, Finite Element Method (FEM)Abstract
Mufflers have been widely used to reduce the noise level emitted from various vehicles. The
simple and high accuracy simulation model for muffler is highly requested by designers in evaluation stage of
preliminary design. In this paper, the simulation model was developed by using SysNoise application in LMS
Virtual Lab. The basic geometry of simple expansion chamber muffler was proposed for simulation and
evaluation in terms of transmission loss (TL). The developed model via simulation had been verified by
comparing the predicted TL of simple expansion chamber muffler with the experimental data in literature. It can
be observed that simulation results have good agreement with the experimental data from literature. In addition,
simulation-based muffler analysis also was conducted for parametrical studies in order to enhance the TL of
muffler. As a conclusion, the computational acoustic model based on Finite Element Method (FEM) was
successfully developed for prediction of TL on mufflers.